A member of our management team will visit you and undertake an assessment of your needs. They will carry out a Care Assessment with you to identify what support you may require at home in order to best meet your needs. We will leave a copy of this assessment in your home for your information and reference, along with a basic Risk Assessment to ensure that work can be undertaken safely in your home. If required, a Moving & Handling Risk Assessment will also be undertaken to identify any equipment and/or handling techniques needed for your care to be provided.
Your Care Assessment, Risk Assessment and if required, Moving & Handling Risk Assessment will be kept in your red, Care Matters (Wiltshire) Ltd. ‘Care Delivery Pack’. This will be used by the Care Worker to record information about their visits and a summary of tasks carried out. It also provides information for other Support Workers, relatives, Doctors and District Nurses.
Your Care Plan and Risk Assessment will be formally reviewed every six months by Domiciliary Care Manager and/or Senior Care Worker, to check whether your needs have changed. However, Care Workers
will monitor your Care Plan and if they feel your needs have changed, he/she will
let the office know.
If Wiltshire County Council is commissioning your care, this assessment will be in partnership with the Care Manager.
The name and contact number of the Manager/Care Co-ordinator who will be responsible for your care is:
Mrs. Julie
King or Miss Elizabeth
Wright on 01985 218 055.
You can contact this person if you have any queries or concerns about the care we provide to you.
The Service We Provide
We provide services for the following service users:
* Older people (over 65 years old)
* Adults (over 18 years old)
* Adults with Mental Health Problems
* Adults with Dementia, Alzheimer’s
* Adults with Long Term Illness
* Adults with Learning Difficulties
* Adults with Physical Disabilities
* Adults with Hearing and Eyesight
* Adults with Terminal Illness
PERSONAL CARE including:
* Care relating to personal hygiene and toileting
* Assistance with feeding, eating and drinking
* Management of urinary and bowel functions
* Promotion of continence and assistance with incontinence
* Assistance with mobility and transfers, including help with getting up and going to bed
* Promotion of independence and social functioning, anxiety and behaviour management
* Social care needs assessment and ensuring personal safety
* Encouragement and assistance with cognitive functions
* Administration and monitoring of medication
Listening and talking to people is regarded as an important part of delivering care. We can assist the client to keep in touch with their friends and relatives, and help with letter writing,
* Assistance with planning and shopping
* Sitting service
DOMESTIC CARE including:-
* Assistance with cleaning and housework
* Assistance with laundry and ironing
* Assistance with management of fuel and heating
* Food preparation at the client's home
* Assistance with feeding
All of the above services are provided by Care Workers making personal visits at agreed times to meet the needs of you and your chosen life style. The visit can vary in length from 15 minutes (Warminster based clients) to one or more hours. Several visits can be made throughout the day on one day or up to seven days per week, following an assessment of needs that will identify the services required.
Palliative care is provided by two distinct categories of health and social care professionals: Those providing the day-to-day care to patients and carers in
their homes and in hospitals, this is where we are able to assist. We can offer a fully trained carer to care for your loved one at home as part of the care team. Contact the office for more
information on this service.
However, we are NOT authorised to carry out the following:
* Bowel Evacuation
* Changing Sterile Dressings
* Performing Catheterisation
* Giving Injections
* Cutting Toenails
* Administering Suppositories
* Administering Enemas
* Lifting from Floor (Paramedics must always be called)
* Ear Syringing
It is the aim of the agency to provide a FLEXIBLE care service, responsive to each individual's needs, and thus if you cannot find the services you require above then please contact us to discuss additional services we can offer.
© Copyright 2003-2019 Care Matters (Wiltshire) Ltd.