Maintenance of Confidentiality
We will respect any information you give us about yourself and will keep it confidential.
Your Care Worker will restrict access to information to staff within Care Matters (Wiltshire) Ltd. and other
relevant professionals. Any breaches of confidentiality by any member of staff
will be dealt with through the
company’s disciplinary procedures.
Some of your details that may be held on file or on computer include: name and address,
telephone number, next of kin, GP and details of your care package. Any messages received
also logged on the database of Care Matters (Wiltshire) Ltd. Information will only be
disclosed to others with your consent or if it is required by law.
Handling Your Money
No financial transactions will be carried out by a Care Worker on your behalf, unless it
is an agreed part of your care package. Even in these
circumstances, we limit financial
transactions to small amounts of shopping and only within agreed financial limits, this includes:
* Shopping
* Paying Utility Bills
Care Workers are issued with a Duplicate Receipt Book, which details any financial transactions undertaken by the Care Worker on your behalf.
Gifts and Hospitality
On occasion you may wish to express your gratitude to a Care Worker by making a gift. Care Matters (Wiltshire) Ltd. feels it is extremely important
to maintain a professional service and limits what might be acceptable for our Care Workers to receive. We recognise, however, that in some circumstances to refuse a gift may be seen as offensive,
for example at Christmas or a birthday. In such circumstances, receipt of the gift should be notified to the Main Office and recorded in the Home Care records. A maximum gift value of £10
is deemed acceptable.
Bequests in Wills
Staff are not allowed to accept bequests under wills. Neither are they permitted to act as witnesses on wills or any other legal documents regarding a
Service User.
Additional Services
You can purchase further services from Care Matters (Wiltshire) Ltd. over and above the care being given and paid for via Social Services. These will
have to be paid for separately by yourself or relatives. If you require additional services please contact the Main Office. Care Workers are not allowed to undertake any work for you through
a private arrangement, even though you may offer to pay for this.
Helping With Medication
Care Workers can assist you with your medication when identified as part of your care package. For this to happen, you or those close to you must
arrange for your pharmacist to have your medication dispensed into a dosette box or blister pack so that you can be helped with your medication safely. You will also need to arrange for repeat
prescriptions. Care Workers are not allowed to assist with medication unless it has been dispensed in a dosette box or blister pack.
Safe Keeping of Keys
Care Matters (Wiltshire) Ltd. does not allow Care Workers to hold keys to a Service User’s property. In emergency situations Care Matters (Wiltshire)
Ltd. will hold keys for a short period of time until the Social Services Department or the Service User installs a door entry system or key safe. In these situations a written agreement is
in place between the purchaser and the company.
Where keys are held a sufficient number of keys will be required to cover for emergencies and all parties will complete a signed agreement.
Under no circumstances should you give a key to your property directly to a Care Worker without the express written agreement of Care Matters (Wiltshire) Ltd.
Safeguarding People
Care Matters (Wiltshire) Ltd. can supply information about “Safeguarding People from Abuse”.
Equal Opportunities
Care Matters (Wiltshire) Ltd. is committed to a policy of equality of opportunity. We do not discriminate on the grounds of race, colour, ethnic/national
origin, sex, marital status, sexual orientation or social standing. Staff are interviewed, assessed, employed and allocated to the client on their basis of ability and merits.
Mental Capacity Act 2005 Policy
Care Matters (Wiltshire) Ltd has a written policy available upon request to provide guidance involved in caring for a person who may lack
capacity in relation to making specific decisions.
Main Terms & Conditions of Service
Charges for Services Purchased by the Local Authority
If all of your support has been arranged by a Social Worker and the Local Authority is the purchaser then there are
no fees liable to Care Matters (Wiltshire) Ltd. from you. There may well be an arrangement in place whereby you will be expected to make a contribution to the Local Authority towards the
cost of your care, following an assessment of needs. If so this will be arranged by your Social Worker and they will provide all the necessary details to you.
Charges for Private Service Users
You will be charged for work undertaken by an employee of Care Matters (Wiltshire) Ltd. All rates are inclusive of National Insurance
Contributions, commission and all other costs unless agreed in writing as an addition to the booking form. All charges are subject to regular review and variations will be notified to you
in writing from time to time. All charges must be paid to Care Matters (Wiltshire) Ltd. Payment must not be made to the Care Worker unless authorised in writing by the company.
Bank Holiday and Public Holidays
All Public and Bank Holidays will be charged at an enhanced rate. In addition, to Bank Holidays and Public Holidays the Bank Holiday rates
will also apply to the Saturday and Sunday of Easter weekend. Where Christmas and New Year holidays fall on or immediately prior to/after a weekend, Care Matters (Wiltshire) Ltd. will advise
you of the rates applicable.
Booking Sheets
It is in your interest to ensure that Care Matters (Wiltshire) Ltd. bookings sheet is signed by the carer on each visit. The bookings sheet acts as a record
of the time worked, upon which the charge to you is based and is final and binding in any event, whether countersigned by you or not.
Any queries must be raised by you with the office within 5 days of the date recorded on the timesheet concerned.
Care Matters (Wiltshire) Ltd. will provide the appropriate protective gloves and aprons to Care Workers. It is your responsibility and/or the Local Authority
Social Services Department to provide all other necessary equipment e.g. hoists, commode, bath seat etc. It is also your responsibility and/or the Local Authority Social Services Department
to maintain such equipment in good working order.
You will be responsible for providing all cleaning materials and equipment to be used to undertake housework.
Other Aspects of your Agreement with Us –All Clients
You will be asked to give details of your next of kin or any person you wish to act as your representative.
The Care Plan will detail the specific tasks that Care Matters (Wiltshire) Ltd. will provide to you on the days when our services are commissioned. This will also include the approximate starting time and duration of calls required.
You have the right to inspect all the records we hold relating to you. This is in conjunction with Care Matters (Wiltshire) Ltd. Control and Access to Records Policy, and in line with the Data Protection Act.
You will be required to sign a Contract of Service, which determines that you are happy to abide by our Terms and Conditions. If you are unhappy for any reason, you are required to give a weeks notice, in writing to the Main Office.
Payment for services provided will be itemised on a Care Matters (Wiltshire) Ltd. invoice which is issued on a 4 weekly basis. Each visit will be listed along with
the individual charge for the visit. Fees are due for payment immediately on receipt of our invoice.
Care Matters (Wiltshire) Ltd. reserves the right to require a deposit in an amount to be agreed as security against final payment.
Travel Expenses
All travel expenses due to Care Workers for providing personal care to you, are incorporated in the charges levied to you. However, where it is necessary
for a Care Worker to use their car or public transport to shop or
take you out, the actual bus fare or travel allowance at the rate of £0.40 per mile will be added
to the amount payable on the 4 weekly invoices.
Hours of Operation
Our office address is: 68-70 (First Floor) Market Place, Warminster, Wiltshire. BA12 9AW
Care Matters (Wiltshire) Ltd. Office is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 4pm on 01985 218055. Outside of these hours an answer machine is available for you to leave any messages. In the event of an emergency you or your relative should use the emergency telephone number to contact the “Out of Hours” Carer on 07921 624541.
When should you call Care Matters (Wiltshire) Ltd. out of hours’ service?
* If your Care Worker has not arrived within 30 minutes of the time the service was booked for and you are unable to contact the
main office.
* If you need to cancel a service for
that evening or before the office opens the next morning.
* If you are concerned and wish to verify a Care Worker’s identity prior to allowing them into your home.
If you are feeling unwell or have had an accident you should contact either your GP or call 999.
If you wish to confirm the name of a carer that will be visiting please call during normal office hours.
© Copyright 2003-2019 Care Matters (Wiltshire) Ltd.