* Complete the tasks set out in your support plan
* Arrive as near as possible to the time stated in the care plan. If, however, they are delayed by an emergency or road conditions every
effort will be made to contact you (Please allow 30 minutes either side of allocated time for emergencies or sickness)
* Wear a uniform
and carry a photo identity card
* Be polite and courteous
* Maintain a good standard of appearance
* Keep all your personal and financial matters strictly confidential
* Respect your rights and dignity and promote your independence at all times
* Respond to changes in your needs and help to put you in touch with other agencies when necessary
* Show respect for your home, belongings personal preferences and personal standards of behaviour
* Have the knowledge, skills and competence to carry out their work with you
If you have concerns about any aspect of these or other sections of your care package, you should contact the management
team at any time, using the number on 01985 218055.
Please find a copy of our latest CQC inspection report by clicking on this link:
Care Matters (Wiltshire) Ltd. always seeks to ensure you get the best possible care at all times. As a result of this every member of
staff undertakes quality assurance visits and quality control
These visits enable us to improve services by acting upon your feedback. Every six months the Care Manager, Care Coordinator or Senior Care Worker will visit you to ensure that your needs and expectations are being met. You will have the opportunity to talk with them directly and if you wish, have a friend or relative present. You may also contact the Main Office at any time to express any views or concerns.
Once a year, you will be given a questionnaire asking you to record your satisfaction or otherwise with the care you are receiving. The results of the survey will be collated and presented to the senior management group and a copy will be forwarded to CQC.
Either a Manager or a Senior Care Worker will also undertake a quality control check on all Care Workers. This involves them visiting and assessing Care Workers on duty to monitor the support we deliver. If this visit is planned to take place in your home, we will contact you to discuss this and seek your consent.
All of these quality measures are strictly confidential and are treated very seriously by Care Matters (Wiltshire) Ltd., as they form a major part of the way we ensure the quality of the care that we deliver to you.
Care Matters (Wiltshire) Ltd. welcomes any compliments, comments or complaints about the services delivered or suggestions on how to improve the care services provided.
All comments, compliments or complaints about the service provided within any Service User’s home can be made verbally, in writing or by telephone and will be treated seriously. Compliments or complaints can be made to Care Matters (Wiltshire) Ltd., your local Social Services Department or the Care Quality Commission.
You have the right to make a comment or complain about:
* Services you have received
* Lack of service
* A plan or decision affecting you or someone close to you.
It is your right to have your complaint fully investigated. Unless we know of your concerns we cannot help you, so please let us know.
You will find a form for Compliments, Comments and Complaints below. Please use the form to tell us what you think of our services.
You also have the opportunity to complain to the Care Quality Commission or your local Social Services Department at the addresses listed in the ‘Contact & Useful Addresses’ section.
If you are dissatisfied with the way the complaint is dealt with or with the outcome of the investigation, you have the right to appeal. To do this you can telephone or write to the Manager Care Matters (Wiltshire) Ltd.
You can also contact the Local Government Ombudsman at:-
The Local Government Ombudsman, PO Box 4771, Coventry. CV44 0EH
Telephone:- 0300 061 0614
Download a copy of our Compliments, Comments and Complaints Form below.
© Copyright 2003-2019 Care Matters (Wiltshire) Ltd.